The Quescreen platform provides services to Australian individuals and businesses, aimed at identifying their suitability for a particular job, from a health perspective.

The Quescreen mobile app's goal was to make it as easy as possible for individuals to check-in the required health information, and to obtain a result.
While the client had already developed a web platform suitable for some mobile devices, the Quescreen mobile app had to excel in any mobile category and include as wide range of devices as possible.

Particularly challenging, as with every app that should run on a wide range of screen sizes, has been the UI. Most importantly, no functionality shall be sacrificed, instead, it should be presented in a different while still meaningful way.
At the same time, for devices with large screen sizes, the app should take advantage of them and display a larger amount of information and functionality - however, without cluttering the UI.

The Quescreen mobile app has mastered all of these challenges. Running on devices as small as the iPhone 5/5SE (320x576 px), or as large as 12" tablets, this app really made use of every pixel available.
The UI has been kept as minimal as possible, as to not get in the way of the user. The color scheme, with dark mode available as well, has been tuned to provide a calming sight: the slightly tinted background and foreground colors make it easier on the eyes compared to straight black and white, while the text-to-background contrast still achieves AAA contrast ratio on the WACG 2.0 guidelines.
Check out the Showcase section to see it with your own eyes.