
As the mobile app came years later after the web platform, it had to catch up quite a lot. The web platform had reached a level of maturity where big sets of functionality and UX were in place, and a bit more than the mobile app could integrate in short time.
Thus, at first, the mobile app has been started with the Expo SDK, in an attempt at quickly replicate the widest set of features offered on the web platform. And it did make a huge impact as the base Wallet and Components functionality in the app allowed for almost everything that the web platform did.
But it has not been such an easy task: The UI and UX in the mobile app had to comply with mobile app experiences, offering actions and interactions that mobile users expect.

Many of the pages on the web platform had to be broken down to separate, dedicated screens. This also meant that some functionality and work flow had to diverge from the web platform experience.
Noteworthy, the Components section has been divided into two sub-sections, "Active" and "History", aiming at reducing clutter in the main content view, and enhancing the context of in-progress assessments versus others that had been previously completed and were not necessarily meaningful at first sight.
Another major change has been the Wallet section. The web platform provides a navigation menu that quickly switches context between different types of documents, and is able to use a larger surface area to present more content and related information. This is not the case on mobile where the smaller screens can only do so much before the view becomes cluttered, confusing and hard to navigate. This is the reason why the Wallet section in the mobile app used tabbed navigation to separate user's Personal documents, Component certificates, Favorites, Archived items.

Customer support

Ratify reached a very wide audience and this inevitably meant that some of our client's customers would not be necessarily technology literates. Or simply, some mistake happened or they needed to make some changes and needed assistance.

Whatever the case, we offer a dedicated support team to help the matter. With an integrated chat client in the app, available on web as well, emails and phone calls, our support team helps tens to hundreds of users, daily.